Acupressure has a time and a place. As can be seen in this video, this is especially relevant for sudden heart attacks.
Slapping the Inner Elbow
See this quite unusual video that shows a man who had a sudden heart attack in a movie theater.
Above: Two men took the initiative and started slapping his inner elbow. The left arm was the predominant area of slaps, which sounded like they were quite emphatically performed.
The 2-minute Video:
Video: A sudden heart attack in a theater.
Doctors and assistants slapped the patient's inner elbow and he recovered after about 2 minutes.
This video gives you advice on emergency situations to pay attention to heart patients and how to deal with a heart attack that usually happens suddenly.
Many become so helpless and die on the way to the hospital.
Please remember:
 1. By slapping the inner elbow of the left hand as shown in the video, it stimulates the three acupressure points around the left side which are related to the heart and lungs.
 2. Slapping will speed up blood circulation, which makes the person feel warm and stops sweating.
 You. You need to know that a heart attack is due to a blockage of blood circulation. By tapping and slapping the inner elbow of the hand, you can increase body temperature, avoid aggregation, and facilitate blood circulation. Then immediately take the person to the hospital.
I would add that calling 911 is more effective for an ER visit, because the paramedics are not allowed to leave until the patient is seen by the doctor. You always get better treatment when taken by ambulance.
Who knew? I was very happy to see this video and hope it proves useful to at least one person!