Jun 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Here is our recipe for a healthy homemade antibiotic:

7 Oz. Raw Organic Unfiltered Honey

4 Oz Apple Cider Vinegar Organic

2 Tablespoon of Turmeric (organic if you can find it)

1 Tablespoon Black Pepper

I mix this all together real good in a bowl. Then I put it in a glass jar and place in the frig.

Per serving: Make sure you stir this glass jar every morning before you dip out because honey sinks. Every morning with a 6 ounce glass I add 3 teaspoons of this potion and mix water with it and stir. As mentioned, the honey sinks so I keep a spoon or something in my glass to keep stirring while I drink it.

I like mine on the rocks and my husband doesn’t. It’s whatever you prefer. I happen to love cold drinks.

This should last you for two weeks if it’s two people. If it’s just one person, split the recipe.

And it’s really tasty like a cocktail…lol


And I can tell you this, when I stated going down this rabbit hole of healthy foods these four ingredients kept popping up everywhere!

Also, please note that you can add more than 3 teaspoons if you want. It’s food…it’s not going to hurt you.

One more thing…I do not add black pepper to ours because it’s kinda choking. I’m retired and I cook very healthy using a lot of black pepper anyway.

I hope this helps…we haven’t been sick yet and we’ve been doing it now for two years.

Bon appetite 🍎 ❤️🙏

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I will try to make it... need to order some good ingredients. And then I'll take some pics and write an article here:) with you as co-author. Or of course, you could start your own Substack!!!

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Jun 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Oh please do. That would be awesome😃

Awe, thx for the compliment…I just like responding and plus I get too emotional sometimes…lol

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You must be an empath. Sometimes we feel a lot:)

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Jun 26Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I also read where you should use whole organic long pepper, PIPER LONGUM in these kind of recipes, but you have to grind it, or anyway the one I bought. I guess I shouldn’t be so lazy, right?

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I haven't heard of this kind of pepper. I wonder why use it here? Stronger taste?

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Jun 26Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Jun 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

We’ve been on this for two years now. Plus we do a cocktail every morning with honey, black pepper, ACV, and turmeric!

This is called a natural homemade antibiotic. If anyone wants the recipe…send me a message. ❤️🙏❤️

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I would love the recipe, OF COURSE!

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Jun 4Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Sure…give me a second and I’ll put the recipe on this comment page.

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I bought some Ghanaian quinine tincture recently... homemade by a herbalist here in the UK...I put it in tonic water daily.

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I wish to know how to make it, better:)!

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Nothing like homemade!

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Jun 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you so much! 💕😊

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All my Pleasure! Be sure to see my revisions from this morning:)!

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Jun 3Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you! 😊

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Please note my revision that provides more info;) 🥰

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Jun 26Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I made the hydroxyCloraQuinn recipe in early 2020. I made it into ice cubes and used it in smoothies every day. I even used it in other drinks that we consumed . Everybody was pretty tired of my sour drinks by the end of the Covid scare. Lol. It really doesn’t take much to make it. It just tastes sour.

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Got it, thank you!

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Margaret, are you keeping an eye on Sasha?

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I keep an eye on everyone, yes:)

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Homemade drugs to treat life threatening illnesses or side effects is a very very bad idea. Google and find the woeful inadequacies in terms of strength and purity and measurement failures. Do not put crap out that will keep ignorant people from getting real meds. They are not expensive!

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Your opinion is noted.

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I just noticed that the immune defense pack has tetrasodium pyrophosphate listed as an ingredient. That should have a warning label for anyone who needs to watch sodium intake as it’s a massive dose of sodium. I don’t have an issue with salt personally, however, TSPP gives me migraines. I can’t eat any foods or take any supplements containing it. MSG does it too.

Just to be safe I also avoid disodium and anything with pyrophosphate period.

I don’t think there’s any relation but I also get migraines from Annatto, the natural food coloring that’s recently become so popular in the US that it’s now in everything. It’s been used for decades in Australia and other places and they’ve got the list of side effects established now but we’re always behind in the US (and don’t seem to care enough to ban or warn about things).

Before I noticed that ingredient inclusion, I was actually going to ask what you would recommend for someone who gets nauseated when taking any form of zinc, even in a supplement with other ingredients and even on a full stomach. I know it’s necessary to have, so I force myself sometimes but not often enough because I hate that feeling. Any suggestions?

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This is what a lot of people do:

Cut the dose of zinc in a quarter. Then take TTh, then MWF. Then take daily. Then take 1/2 dose on TTh, then MWF. Keep gradually increasing.

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Thank you! I’ll try that.

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Sneak it on:) You got it.

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I get migraines like crazy. Three days a week at least. This has gone on for 42 years since my first child was born. Thanks for the hint about those ingredients, I’ll be on the lookout.

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Ouch on the migraines! When you say you got them after your baby was born, was that because of anything specific?

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I did have an epidural, but I was told to lie flat for 24 hours to avoid migraine possibilities that could come. But because I was on insurance that was going to end in six days I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled that same week. That could be the problem because I have TMJ now too. My migraines are definitely Positional headaches.

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You’re welcome. I recently read glutamine (not to be confused with glutathione) may be an issue too. Getting too much unknowingly. I haven’t completed my research on that yet though.

Also, something to consider, when my daughter had her first baby, she got an epidural and right after that, and for the 11 years since, she’s suffered from tinnitus and frequent debilitating migraines. We haven’t found a solution yet.

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Those are classic symptoms of a cerebrospinal (CSF) leak. The immediate treatment is an epidural blood patch. Should have been done right away, but given it's been so long, an active CSF leak could still be treated.

Do your ears or nose leak clear fluids? Do you have post nasal drip from the back of your nose or throat? These could be signs of a CSF leak.

And if you still have a leak of CSF, don't let anyone give you a PCR test up the nose, or if it pops through your dural sac surrounding your spinal fluid, it could introduce an infection and result in meningitis.

Maybe see a neurosurgeon who specializes in CSF leaks.

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Thank you for the information. I’ll pass this on to my daughter and ask her those questions. I wonder, how do they determine that there is a CSF leak, is there a way besides just by the symptoms?

I do know that some of the time she gets an aura first so she knows a migraine is about to start. Those are the times it gets really bad. Of course the tinnitus is 24/7.

No one took her seriously when she told them it started after her epidural. She saw a dr about the tinnitus and migraines, I think it was several months after my grandson was born, and she told them when it all started, but they just did standard blood tests and a CT scan of her head, and said they didn’t see anything wrong and sent her on her way. It didn’t seem like they were willing to consider it was related to the epidural.

I believed it right away because, having worked in the OR, I had heard about problems that could occur when patients received epidurals; it was one reason I never wanted one myself when I had surgeries where it was an option.

We’ve been trying to find something to treat my daughter’s migraines, naturally, ever since my grandson was born.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to deal with this for 11 years. Especially since she’s raising 5 children. She had babies #2 and 3 naturally but still in the hospital, and 4 and 5 were home births. She’s pretty a strong lady.

Thanks again for the info. I’ll certainly mention it.

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They told me that I had to lay down flat for 24 hours after epidural because of possibility of migraines. That was in Salt Lake City in 1982. I guess I got them anyway.

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No leaks

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I’m almost forgot, she also gets frequent dizzy spells since then too. And I asked, no fluid from ears but nose all the time and post nasal drip. She assumed she had allergies but it’s every day all year so, maybe another symptom. She’s going to look into this.

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I too had an epidural.

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